
Homiletics and Hermeneutics: Four Views on Preaching Today is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scott Gibson and Matthew Kim, both experienced preachers and teachers, have brought together four preaching experts—Bryan Chapell, Kenneth Langley, Abraham Kuruvilla, and Paul Scott Wilson—to present and defend their approaches to homiletics. Reflecting current streams of thought in homiletics, the book offers a robust discussion of theological and hermeneutical approaches to preaching and...

together to Beersheba” (22:19). No Isaac? What happened to him? In fact, after this narrative, father and son are never shown speaking to each other again in Genesis. After the test, it is as if Isaac has altogether vanished. But the author is doing something with what he is saying. A line had been drawn; the relationship between father and son had been clarified; the tension between love (fear) of God and love of son had been resolved. Now Abraham so loved God that he gave his only begotten son.
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